To create an Autodesk InfraWorks 360 account

You need to be an InfraWorks 360 account administrator to create user design groups for online collaboration.

The steps below are for creating an Admin account from your organization's InfraWorks 360 contract account. Only a few users in a larger organization follow these steps. Most users become Admins by accepting an invitation from an Admin to become one. See To respond to an invitation to join a design group.

  1. Obtain the Contract Number of the Autodesk subscription contract that includes Autodesk InfraWorks 360. Ask the Autodesk Contract Manager at your organization for this number.
  2. Use a browser to go to
  3. Log-in using the Autdodesk 360 account credentials associated with the subscription contract.
    Note: Only the Contract Manager or Software Coordinator can request an InfraWorks 360 account. If you are not already designated as one of these roles, please contact your Contract Manager and request to be added to the Autodesk subscription contract as a Software Coordinator.
  4. Autodesk displays the Create Autodesk 360 Account page.

    Specify the information as follows:

    • Contract number

      Once you enter a valid number and click Verify the rest of the contract information fills in automatically.

    • Email address for the InfraWorks 360 administrator.

      This is the administrator for InfraWorks 360 models. After you create the InfraWorks 360 account, you can add other administrators to the account from the desktop application. See To assign additional admins to an account.

    • Account name.

      Use any account name you prefer, unless it is already in use on the InfraWorks 360 server hosting your account. Account names must be unique on each server. For example, use the name of your company, department, or design group.

      Optionally, provide a brief description of the account.

  5. Once InfraWorks 360 establishes the new account, the InfraWorks 360 administrator will receive an email notification that the account has been created. (The administrator may need to add the no-reply email address to the trusted senders list to avoid important email being sent to a junk mail folder.)

  6. Refresh Autodesk InfraWorks 360 from the Collaborate section of the Start page.

Advanced Tip: When you create your InfraWorks 360 account, Autodesk allocates server space for it based on the number of seats under your subscription. If you exceed your allotted space you cannot publish or synch to any group in the account. You can check the available space in the Online Models dialog box.