PyMEL makes python scripting in Maya work the way it should. Maya’s command module is a direct translation of MEL commands into python functions. The result is a very awkward and unpythonic syntax which does not take advantage of python’s strengths – particularly, a flexible, object-oriented design. PyMEL builds on the cmds module by organizing many of its commands into a class hierarchy, and by customizing them to operate in a more succinct and intuitive way.
pymel.versions | Contains functions for easily comparing versions of Maya with the current running version. |
pymel.mayautils | Maya-specific utilities mostly pertaining to file paths. |
pymel.core.animation | functions related to animation |
pymel.core.effects | Functions related to fx |
pymel.core.general | Contains general node and attribute functions, as well as the main PyNode base class. |
pymel.core.language | Functions and classes related to scripting, including MelGlobals and Mel |
pymel.core.modeling | functions related to modeling |
pymel.core.other | Functions which are not listed in the maya documentation, such as commands created by plugins, as well as the name parsing classes DependNodeName, DagNodeName, and AttributeName. |
pymel.core.rendering | Functions related to rendering |
pymel.core.runtime | Runtime commands. |
pymel.core.system | Functions and classes relating to files, references, and system calls. | | Functions for creating UI elements, as well as their class counterparts. |
pymel.core.context | Contains all context command functions (previously ‘ctx’). |
pymel.core.datatypes | A wrap of Maya’s Vector, Point, Color, Matrix, TransformationMatrix, Quaternion, EulerRotation types |
pymel.core.nodetypes | Contains classes corresponding to the Maya type hierarchy, including DependNode, Transform, Mesh, and Camera. |
pymel.core.uitypes | |
pymel.util | General utilities which are pymel-independent.” |
pymel.util.arguments | Defines arguments manipulation utilities, like checking if an argument is iterable, flattening a nested arguments list, etc. |
pymel.util.arrays | A generic n-dimensionnal Array class serving as base for arbitrary length VectorN and MatrixN classes |
pymel.util.common | Commonly used utilities |
pymel.util.decoration | |
pymel.util.enum | Robust enumerated type support in Python |
pymel.util.mathutils | Defines useful math functions. |
pymel.util.namedtuple | Returns a new subclass of tuple with named fields. |
pymel.util.path | Represents a filesystem path. |
pymel.util.utilitytypes | Defines common types and type related utilities: Singleton, etc. | | Convert mel scripts into python scripts. | | Convert python callables into MEL procedures | | |
pymel.api.plugins | Maya API plugin utilities |