Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Related. Flags. Python examples.


hotkeySet( [name] , [current=boolean], [delete=boolean], [exists=boolean], [export=string], [hotkeySetArray=boolean], [ip=string], [rename=string], [source=string])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

hotkeySet is undoable, queryable, and editable.

Manages hotkey sets in Maya. A hotkey set holds hotkey to command mapping information. Default hotkey sets are hotkey sets that are shipped together with Maya. They are locked and cannot be altered.

A new hotkey set is always duplicated from an existing hotkey set. In create mode, users can choose to specify which hotkey set to duplicate by using the -source flag. A duplicated hotkey set is independent from the source hotkey set.

Return value

stringThe name of the hotkey set.

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


hotkey, hotkeyCtx


current, delete, exists, export, hotkeySetArray, ip, rename, source
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
current(cu) boolean createqueryedit
Sets the hotkey set as the current active hotkey set. In query mode, returns the name of the current hotkey set.
delete(delete) boolean edit
Deletes the hotkey set if it exists. Other flags are ignored. Returns true|false depending on the delete operation.
exists(ex) boolean create
Returns true|false depending upon whether the specified object exists. Other flags are ignored.
export(ep) string edit
Exports a hotkey set. The argument is used to specify a full path of the output file.
hotkeySetArray(hsa) boolean query
Returns a string array of all existing hotkey set names.
ip(ip) string edit
Imports a hotkey set. The argument is used to specify a full path of the hotkey set file to import.
rename(re) string edit
Renames an existing hotkey set. All white spaces will be replaced with '_' during operation.
source(src) string create
Specifies the source hotkey set. If flag is not provided, the current active hotkey set is used.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

# Create a new key set and set it as the active key set.
# The current active hotkey set is used as its source.
MyNewKeySet = 'MyNewKeySet'
cmds.hotkeySet( MyNewKeySet, current=True )

# Query the name of the current key set
cmds.hotkeySet( q=True, current=True )

# Create a new hotkey set with a user hotkey set as source
MyNewKeySet2 = 'MyNewKeySet2'
cmds.hotkeySet( MyNewKeySet2, source='MyNewKeySet' )

# Delete the created hotkey set.
cmds.hotkeySet( MyNewKeySet, edit=True, delete=True )

# Returns all available hotkey sets in Maya
cmds.hotkeySet( q=True, hotkeySetArray=True )

# Export a hotkey set
fileName = (cmds.internalVar( userTmpDir=True ) + "exportHotkeySet1.mhk");
cmds.hotkeySet( MyNewKeySet2, e=True, export=fileName);

# Import a hotkey set
cmds.hotkeySet( e=True, ip=fileName);