-type short2 |
Array of two short integers |
Value Syntax |
short short |
Value Meaning |
value1 value2 |
Mel Example |
setAttr node.short2Attr -type short2 1 2; |
Python Example |
cmds.setAttr('node.short2Attr',1,2,type='short2') |
-type short3 |
Array of three short integers |
Value Syntax |
short short short |
Value Meaning |
value1 value2 value3 |
Mel Example |
setAttr node.short3Attr -type short3 1 2 3; |
Python Example |
cmds.setAttr('node.short3Attr',1,2,3,type='short3') |
-type long2 |
Array of two long integers |
Value Syntax |
long long |
Value Meaning |
value1 value2 |
Mel Example |
setAttr node.long2Attr -type long2 1000000 2000000; |
Python Example |
cmds.setAttr('node.long2Attr',1000000,2000000,type='long2') |
-type long3 |
Array of three long integers |
Value Syntax |
long long long |
Value Meaning |
value1 value2 value3 |
Mel Example |
setAttr node.long3Attr -type long3 1000000 2000000 3000000; |
Python Example |
cmds.setAttr('node.long3Attr',1000000,2000000,3000000,type='long3') |
-type Int32Array |
Variable length array of long integers |
Value Syntax |
int {int} |
Value Meaning |
numberOfArrayValues {arrayValue} |
Mel Example |
setAttr node.int32ArrayAttr -type Int32Array 2 12 75; |
Python Example |
cmds.setAttr('node.int32ArrayAttr',[2,12,75],type='Int32Array') |
-type float2 |
Array of two floats |
Value Syntax |
float float |
Value Meaning |
value1 value2 |
Mel Example |
setAttr node.float2Attr -type float2 1.1 2.2; |
Python Example |
cmds.setAttr('node.float2Attr',1.1,2.2,type='float2') |
-type float3 |
Array of three floats |
Value Syntax |
float float float |
Value Meaning |
value1 value2 value3 |
Mel Example |
setAttr node.float3Attr -type float3 1.1 2.2 3.3; |
Python Example |
cmds.setAttr('node.float3Attr',1.1,2.2,3.3,type='float3') |
-type double2 |
Array of two doubles |
Value Syntax |
double double |
Value Meaning |
value1 value2 |
Mel Example |
setAttr node.double2Attr -type double2 1.1 2.2; |
Python Example |
cmds.setAttr('node.double2Attr',1.1,2.2,type='double2') |
-type double3 |
Array of three doubles |
Value Syntax |
double double double |
Value Meaning |
value1 value2 value3 |
Mel Example |
setAttr node.double3Attr -type double3 1.1 2.2 3.3; |
Python Example |
cmds.setAttr('node.double3Attr',1.1,2.2,3.3,type='double3') |
-type doubleArray |
Variable length array of doubles |
Value Syntax |
int {double} |
Value Meaning |
numberOfArrayValues {arrayValue} |
Mel Example |
setAttr node.doubleArrayAttr -type doubleArray 2 3.14159 2.782; |
Python Example |
cmds.setAttr( "node.doubleArrayAttr", (2, 3.14159, 2.782,), type="doubleArray") |
-type matrix |
4x4 matrix of doubles |
Value Syntax |
double double double double
double double double double
double double double double
double double double double |
Value Meaning |
row1col1 row1col2 row1col3 row1col4
row2col1 row2col2 row2col3 row2col4
row3col1 row3col2 row3col3 row3col4
row4col1 row4col2 row4col3 row4col4 |
Alternate Syntax |
string double double double
double double double
double double double
double double double
double double double
double double double
double double double
double double double
double double double double
double double double double
double double double
boolean |
Alternate Meaning |
"xform" scaleX scaleY scaleZ
rotateX rotateY rotateZ
rotationOrder (0=XYZ, 1=YZX, 2=ZXY, 3=XZY, 4=YXZ, 5=ZYX)
translateX translateY translateZ
shearXY shearXZ shearYZ
scalePivotX scalePivotY scalePivotZ
scaleTranslationX scaleTranslationY scaleTranslationZ
rotatePivotX rotatePivotY rotatePivotZ
rotateTranslationX rotateTranslationY rotateTranslationZ
rotateOrientW rotateOrientX rotateOrientY rotateOrientZ
jointOrientW jointOrientX jointOrientY jointOrientZ
inverseParentScaleX inverseParentScaleY inverseParentScaleZ
Mel Example |
setAttr node.matrixAttr -type "matrix" 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 3 4 1;
setAttr node.matrixAttr -type "matrix" "xform" 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 false; |
Python Example |
cmds.setAttr('node.matrixAttr','xform',(1,1,1),(0,0,0),0,(2,3,4),(0,0,0), (0,0,0),(0,0,0),(0,0,0),(0,1,1),(0,0,1,0),(1,0,1,0),(1,2,3),False,type="matrix") |
-type pointArray |
Variable length array of points |
Value Syntax |
int {double double double double} |
Value Meaning |
numberOfArrayValues {xValue yValue zValue wValue} |
Mel Example |
setAttr node.pointArrayAttr -type pointArray 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1; |
Python Example |
cmds.setAttr('node.pointArrayAttr',2,(1,1,1,1),(2,2,2,1),type='pointArray') |
-type vectorArray |
Variable length array of vectors |
Value Syntax |
int {double double double} |
Value Meaning |
numberOfArrayValues {xValue yValue zValue} |
Mel Example |
setAttr node.vectorArrayAttr -type vectorArray 2 1 1 1 2 2 2; |
Python Example |
cmds.setAttr('node.vectorArrayAttr',2,(1,1,1),(2,2,2),type='vectorArray') |
-type "string" |
Character string |
Value Syntax |
string |
Value Meaning |
characterStringValue |
Mel Example |
setAttr node.stringAttr -type "string" "blarg"; |
Python Example |
cmds.setAttr('node.stringAttr',"blarg",type="string") |
-type stringArray |
Variable length array of strings |
Value Syntax |
int {string} |
Value Meaning |
numberOfArrayValues {arrayValue} |
Mel Example |
setAttr node.stringArrayAttr -type stringArray 3 "a" "b" "c"; |
Python Example |
cmds.setAttr('node.stringArrayAttr',3,"a","b","c",type='stringArray') |
-type sphere |
Sphere data |
Value Syntax |
double |
Value Meaning |
sphereRadius |
Example |
setAttr node.sphereAttr -type sphere 5.0; |
-type cone |
Cone data |
Value Syntax |
double double |
Value Meaning |
coneAngle coneCap |
Mel Example |
setAttr node.coneAttr -type cone 45.0 5.0; |
Python Example |
cmds.setAttr('node.coneAttr',45.0,5.0,type='cone') |
-type reflectanceRGB |
Reflectance data |
Value Syntax |
double double double |
Value Meaning |
redReflect greenReflect blueReflect |
Mel Example |
setAttr node.reflectanceRGBAttr -type reflectanceRGB 0.5 0.5 0.1; |
Python Example |
cmds.setAttr('node.reflectanceRGBAttr',0.5,0.5,0.1,type='reflectanceRGB') |
-type spectrumRGB |
Spectrum data |
Value Syntax |
double double double |
Value Meaning |
redSpectrum greenSpectrum blueSpectrum |
Mel Example |
setAttr node.spectrumRGBAttr -type spectrumRGB 0.5 0.5 0.1; |
Python Example |
cmds.setAttr('node.spectrumRGBAttr',0.5,0.5,0.1,type='spectrumRGB') |
-type componentList |
Variable length array of components |
Value Syntax |
int {string} |
Value Meaning |
numberOfComponents {componentName} |
Mel Example |
setAttr node.componentListAttr -type componentList 3 cv[1] cv[12] cv[3]; |
Python Example |
cmds.setAttr('node.componentListAttr',3,'cv[1]','cv[12]','cv[3]',type='componentList') |
-type attributeAlias |
String alias data |
Value Syntax |
string string |
Value Meaning |
newAlias currentName |
Mel Example |
setAttr node.attrAliasAttr -type attributeAlias
{"GoUp", "translateY", "GoLeft", "translateX"}; |
Python Example |
cmds.setAttr('node.attrAliasAttr',("GoUp", "translateY", "GoLeft", "translateX"),type='attributeAlias') |
-type nurbsCurve |
NURBS curve data |
Value Syntax |
int int int bool int int {double}
int {double double double} |
Value Meaning |
degree spans form isRational dimension knotCount {knotValue}
cvCount {xCVValue yCVValue [zCVValue] [wCVValue]} |
Mel Example |
// degree is the degree of the curve(range 1-7)
// spans is the number of spans
// form is open (0), closed (1), periodic (2)
// dimension is 2 or 3, depending on the dimension of the curve
// isRational is true if the curve CVs contain a rational component
// knotCount is the size of the knot list
// knotValue is a single entry in the knot list
// cvCount is the number of CVs in the curve
// xCVValue,yCVValue,[zCVValue] [wCVValue] is a single CV.
// zCVValue is only present when dimension is 3.
// wCVValue is only present when isRational is true.
setAttr node.curveAttr -type nurbsCurve 3 1 0 no 3
6 0 0 0 1 1 1
4 -2 3 0 -2 1 0 -2 -1 0 -2 -3 0; |
-type nurbsSurface |
NURBS surface data |
Value Syntax |
int int int int bool
int {double}
int {double}
[string] int {double double double} |
Value Meaning |
uDegree vDegree uForm vForm isRational
uKnotCount {uKnotValue}
vKnotCount {vKnotValue} ["TRIM"|"NOTRIM"] cvCount {xCVValue yCVValue
zCVValue [wCVValue]} |
Example |
// uDegree is degree of the surface in U direction (range 1-7)
// vDegree is degree of the surface in V direction (range 1-7)
// uForm is open (0), closed (1), periodic (2) in U direction
// vForm is open (0), closed (1), periodic (2) in V direction
// isRational is true if the surface CVs contain a rational component
// uKnotCount is the size of the U knot list
// uKnotValue is a single entry in the U knot list
// vKnotCount is the size of the V knot list
// vKnotValue is a single entry in the V knot list
// If "TRIM" is specified then additional trim information is expected
// If "NOTRIM" is specified then the surface is not trimmed
// cvCount is the number of CVs in the surface
// xCVValue,yCVValue,zCVValue [wCVValue]is a single CV.
// zCVValue is only present when dimension is 3.
// wCVValue is only present when isRational is true
setAttr node.surfaceAttr -type nurbsSurface 3 3 0 0 no
6 0 0 0 1 1 1
6 0 0 0 1 1 1
16 -2 3 0 -2 1 0 -2 -1 0 -2 -3 0
-1 3 0 -1 1 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -3 0
1 3 0 1 1 0 1 -1 0 1 -3 0
3 3 0 3 1 0 3 -1 0 3 -3 0; |
-type nurbsTrimface |
NURBS trim face data |
Value Syntax |
bool int {int {int {int int int} int {int int}}} |
Value Meaning |
flipNormal boundaryCount {boundaryType tedgeCountOnBoundary
{splineCountOnEdge {edgeTolerance isEdgeReversed geometricContinuity}
{splineCountOnPedge {isMonotone pedgeTolerance}}}
Example |
// flipNormal if true turns the surface inside out
// boundaryCount: number of boundaries
// boundaryType:
// tedgeCountOnBoundary : number of edges in a boundary
// splineCountOnEdge : number of splines in an edge in
// edgeTolerance : tolerance used to build the 3d edge
// isEdgeReversed : if true, the edge is backwards
// geometricContinuity : if true, the edge is tangent continuous
// splineCountOnPedge : number of splines in a 2d edge
// isMonotone : if true, curvature is monotone
// pedgeTolerance : tolerance for the 2d edge
-type polyFace |
Polygon face data |
Value Syntax |
{"f" int {int}}
{"h" int {int}}
{"mf" int {int}}
{"mh" int {int}}
{"mu" int int {int}}
{"fc" int {int}} |
Value Meaning |
{"f" faceEdgeCount {edgeIdValue}}
{"h" holeEdgeCount {edgeIdValue}}
{"mf" faceUVCount {uvIdValue}}
{"mh" holeUVCount {uvIdValue}}
{"mu" uvSet faceUVCount {uvIdValue}}
{"fc" faceColorCount {colorIndexValue}}
Example |
// This data type (polyFace) is meant to be used in file I/O
// after setAttrs have been written out for vertex position
// arrays, edge connectivity arrays (with corresponding start
// and end vertex descriptions), texture coordinate arrays and
// color arrays. The reason is that this data type references
// all of its data through ids created by the former types.
// "f" specifies the ids of the edges making up a face -
// negative value if the edge is reversed in the face
// "h" specifies the ids of the edges making up a hole -
// negative value if the edge is reversed in the face
// "mf" specifies the ids of texture coordinates (uvs) for a face.
// This data type is obsolete as of version 3.0. It is replaced by "mu".
// "mh" specifies the ids of texture coordinates (uvs) for a hole
// This data type is obsolete as of version 3.0. It is replaced by "mu".
// "mu" The first argument refers to the uv set. This is a zero-based
// integer number. The second argument refers to the number of vertices (n)
// on the face which have valid uv values. The last n values are the uv
// ids of the texture coordinates (uvs) for the face. These indices
// are what used to be represented by the "mf" and "mh" specification.
// There may be more than one "mu" specification, one for each unique uv set.
// "fc" specifies the color index values for a face
setAttr node.polyFaceAttr -type polyFaces "f" 3 1 2 3 "fc" 3 4 4 6; |
-type mesh |
Polygonal mesh |
Value Syntax |
{string [int {double double double}]}
{string [int {double double double}]}
[{string [int {double double}]}]
{string [int {double double string}]}
Value Meaning |
"v" [vertexCount {vertexX vertexY vertexZ}]
"vn" [normalCount {normalX normalY normalZ}]
["vt" [uvCount {uValue vValue}]]
"e" [edgeCount {startVertex endVertex "smooth"|"hard"}]
Example |
// "v" specifies the vertices of the polygonal mesh
// "vn" specifies the normal of each vertex
// "vt" is optional and specifies a U,V texture coordinate for
each vertex
// "e" specifies the edge connectivity information between
setAttr node.meshAttr -type mesh "v" 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
"vn" 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
"vt" 3 0 0 0 1 1 0
"e" 3 0 1 "hard" 1 2 "hard" 2 0 "hard"; |
-type lattice |
Lattice data |
Value Syntax |
int int int int {double double double} |
Value Meaning |
sDivisionCount tDivisionCount uDivisionCount
pointCount {pointX pointY pointZ} |
Example |
// sDivisionCount is the horizontal lattice division count
// tDivisionCount is the vertical lattice division count
// uDivisionCount is the depth lattice division count
// pointCount is the total number of lattice points
// pointX,pointY,pointZ is one lattice point. The list is
// specified varying first in S, then in T, last in U so the
// first two entries are (S=0,T=0,U=0) (s=1,T=0,U=0)
setAttr node.latticeAttr -type lattice 2 5 2 20
-2 -2 -2 2 -2 -2 -2 -1 -2 2 -1 -2 -2 0 -2
2 0 -2 -2 1 -2 2 1 -2 -2 2 -2 2 2 -2
-2 -2 2 2 -2 2 -2 -1 2 2 -1 2 -2 0 2
2 0 2 -2 1 2 2 1 2 -2 2 2 2 2 2; |