Creates 2D profile images of 3D solids for display in a layout viewport.
The selected 3D solids are projected onto a 2D plane parallel with the current layout viewport. The resulting 2D objects are generated on separate layers for hidden and visible lines and are displayed only in that viewport.
The following prompts are displayed.
Specifies the objects to be used as a basis for the profiles.
Generates only two blocks: one for the visible lines and one for the hidden lines of the entire selection set. When you generate hidden lines, solids can partially or completely hide other solids. The visible profile block is drawn in the BYLAYER linetype, and the hidden profile block is drawn in the HIDDEN linetype (if loaded). The visible and hidden profile blocks are placed on uniquely named layers using the following naming conventions:
PV-viewport handle for the visible profile layer
PH-viewport handle for the hidden profile layer
For example, if you create a profile in a viewport whose handle is 4B, the blocks containing the visible lines are inserted on layer PV-4B, and the block containing the hidden lines (if requested) is inserted on layer PH-4B. If these layers do not exist, the command creates them. If the layers do exist, the blocks are added to the information already on the layers.
SOLPROF does not change the display of layers; if you want to view only the profile lines that you have created, turn off the layer containing the original solid (usually the current layer).
Treats all profile lines as visible lines and creates a block for the profile lines of each selected solid. All profile lines for each solid in the selection set are generated, even if a solid is partially or completely obscured by another solid. The visible profile blocks are drawn in the same linetype as the original solid and placed on a uniquely named layer using the naming convention described under the Yes option.
Determines whether 2D or 3D objects are used to represent the visible and hidden lines of the profile.
Creates the profile lines with 2D objects.
The 3D profile is projected onto a plane normal to the viewing direction and passing through the origin of the UCS. SOLPROF cleans up the 2D profile by eliminating lines that are parallel to the viewing direction and by converting arcs and circles that are viewed on edge into lines.
Determines whether tangential edges are displayed. A tangential edge is the transition line between two tangent faces. It's the imaginary edge at which two faces meet and are tangent. For example, if you fillet the edge of a box, tangential edges are created where the cylindrical face of the fillet blends into the planar faces of the box. Tangential edges are not shown for most drafting applications.