Generates profiles and sections in layout viewports created with SOLVIEW.
After using SOLVIEW, visible and hidden lines representing the silhouette and edges of solids in the viewport are created and then projected to a plane perpendicular to the viewing direction.
To undo a viewport drawn by SOLDRAW, you must use the Back option of UNDO.
The following prompts are displayed.
Visible and hidden lines representing the silhouette and edges of solids in the viewport are created and then projected to a plane perpendicular to the viewing direction. Silhouettes and edges are generated for all solids and portions of solids behind the cutting plane. For sectional views, cross-hatching is created using the current values of the HPNAME, HPSCALE, and HPANG system variables.
Any existing profiles and sections in the selected viewport are deleted, and new ones are generated. All layers, except those required to display the profile or section, are frozen in each viewport.