Known Limitations and Issues

To debug problems with your models

  1. Make sure that your model works in desktop Inventor or ETO.
  2. Review the log for errors.
  3. Send us an email about the model/parameters/log, and let us look into it.

Configurator 360 known limitations

iLogic known limitations

Localization issues when using default names for iLogic rule elements

Because C360 is based on a US-English language setting, default iLogic rule element names automatically convert to English when rules run in C360. This conversion causes rules to fail if you use localized Inventor software and create rules using the default localized element names. This issue only occurs if you use the default name provided for an element; it does not occur if you rename the element. To avoid this issue, always rename elements referred to in iLogic rules when creating rules in a language other than US-English.

ETO and iLogic custom .Net code

Call only items documented to be valid. When calling functions that are invalid, an error occurs because of firewalls and other protective measures.


Not valid