Getting Started with Video

Autodesk Scaleform Video™ powered by CRI™ is a complete video solution fully integrated with Scaleform. It is a premium module that allows users to add high performance video playback capabilities to their Adobe Flash® assets, taking advantage of the integrating Flash video pipeline. Using the new video module, developers can play high-resolution, noise-free videos for intro logos, main menus, HUDs, in-game textures, and full-screen cinematic cut scenes.

The CRI Movie codec was selected due to its playback and encoding advantages over existing video codecs. CRI Movie’s next-generation playback engine was specially built for real-time game systems, taking advantage of the latest multicore hardware. CRI Middleware has been used in over 1700 games.

Scaleform Video will allow playback of videos in any resolution, on PCs and game consoles (Xbox One, PS4), full screen, windowed, with alpha transparency and more. It has been designed from the ground up to allow for streaming and is fully multithreaded. Use Scaleform Video to export different high resolution videos for each platform to optimize the quality, frame rates, resolutions, bitrates, size, aspect ratios and more for each platform to ensure optimum video quality and performance.

The Scaleform Video workflow enables users to easily create a video in Adobe Animate CC or any other video editing application, import it into Adobe Flash, and export it into a game quickly and easily. During the process, easily set up subtitles, add 5.1 audio, add localized voiceovers for different languages, add interactive cues to make in-game movies interactive and much more. Scaleform Video also has many advanced features, like alpha channels, cue points which will allow developers to utilize video in more than just their interfaces and cutscenes.

The Scaleform Video SDK includes the following items: