Apply Loads

Loads are part of the boundary conditions you define for the simulation. There are various load types available to apply:


Load Type


Used to...


Faces, edges, and vertices.

When selecting more than one input, all inputs must be the same entity type.

Apply a force of the specified magnitude to the selected faces, edges, or vertices.

By default, Force is applied:

  • Normal to the selected face.
  • Parallel with the selected edge.

Flip reverses force direction.



Apply a pressure of the specified magnitude to the selected faces.

  • Pressure is uniform
  • Applied normal to the selected face.


Face or Edge

Apply gravity of the specified magnitude normal to the selected face or parallel with the selected edge.

Flip reverses gravity direction.

Apply a load:

  1. In the Loads panel, click the load type to apply.
  2. The selector command is active, and you can select the areas to apply the load in the graphic region immediately.
  3. Enter the load magnitude.
  4. Click OK to add the load and exit the command. Alternatively, click Apply to add the load and keep the command active.