Delete route components

In populated rigid runs, default couplings, placed fittings, and conduit parts can be deleted, but default directional fittings cannot. In the route environment, you can also delete segments in parametric regions. However, to delete segments from an auto region , you must first delete the client constraint using the context menu.

In flexible hose routes, to remove the start fitting and end fitting , you must edit the style.

  1. Activate the pipe run.
  2. In the graphics window or Model browser, right-click the fitting or conduit part, and select Delete.

    The fitting and underlying route point are deleted. The two adjacent split segments heal or combine to create a single straight segment that conforms to the minimum and maximum segment lengths.

    Tip: With the route active, deleting a route point that is associated with a placed fitting or a default coupling can remove the fitting as well.