Edit GOST (ESKD) parts list

Before making the changes described, be sure to place the parts list on the drawing. All of the following procedures are accessed from a context menu. Procedures for all items on the context menu are not covered in this topic. The procedures covered include editing the parts list from the drawing, editing the table style, rotate the parts list, view the bill of materials, and delete the parts list.

To edit the parts list from the drawing, complete the following steps:

  1. From the drawing, right-click the parts list. A context menu appears.
  2. From the context menu, click Edit Parts List.... The Parts List dialog box appears.
  3. Make changes in the parts list dialog box.
  4. Click OK to save the changes. The Parts List dialog box closes and the parts list on the drawing is updated.

Edit Table Style

  1. From the drawing, right-click the parts list. A context menu appears.
  2. From the context menu, click Edit Table Style. The Standards and Styles dialog box appears.
  3. For more information about making changes, click Help on the Standards and Styles dialog box.

View the BOM

  1. From the drawing, right-click the parts list. A context menu appears.
  2. From the context menu, click Bill of Materials.... The BOM appears.

Delete the parts list from the drawing

  1. From the drawing, right-click the parts list. A context menu appears.
  2. From the context menu, click Delete. The parts list is removed from the drawing.
Note: Changes to the parts list are saved after the parts list is removed from the drawing.