Save results

Every time you save a mechanism after running a simulation , the simulation results are saved with the mechanism. However, each time you save, you overwrite any existing simulation results with the current results. If you want to save simulation results even after you run other simulations on the same mechanism, save them to a separate file. You can compare results from various simulations.

  1. On the ribbon, click Dynamic Simulation tab Results panel Output Grapher .
  2. On the Output Grapher browser, click the result of interest.

    The plot of the selected result appears in the graph window .

  3. On the Output Grapher toolbar, click Save Simulation .
  4. On the Dynamic Simulation Save dialog box, in the Save in text box, enter the directory where you want to save this simulation.

    Alternatively, you can use the icons on the left side of the dialog box to browse to the appropriate directory.

  5. In the File name text box, enter the name you want to give this file.
  6. Click Save to save the results and close the dialog box.