To access the Parametric Table, click Stress Analysis tab Manage panel Parametric Table .
The Parametric Table presents both parametric dimensions and design constraints and is divided into two corresponding sections.
Note: You can resize the Parametric Table and adjust the size of the Design Constraints and Parameters sections. You can also undock the Parametric Table from the application window.
Design Constraints are the specific result components that you are interested in seeing for those parameters. There are options for each constraint based on your selection.
Simulation parameters, nominated model parameters, enable you to vary the model and allow you to evaluate various configurations of a design. When parameters are modified the geometry updates for all corresponding features, helping to retain design intent. Choose parameter ranges that result in configurations having compatible feature structures and topology when compared to the base model.
To access the commands for Design Constraints and Parameters, right-click the corresponding row and select the command from the context menu.
Note: The cursor must be placed over the row to display the context menu.
Design Constraints
Specify design constraints in the Parametric Table:
- In the Design Constraints section, right-click a row and click Add Design Constraint. The Select Design Constraint dialog box displays.
- Select the Results Component to use as a design constraint.
- Specify the value behavior - maximum, minimum, or range of values.
- Specify whether you want to include or exclude geometry. Select the entities.
- To exclude the list of geometric entities, check the Exclude box. Otherwise, geometric entities listed are included.
- Click OK to add the design constraint to the Parametric Table.
Note: Further refinement can be made on a per constraint basis in the Design Constraints section of the Parametric Table dialog box.
Safety Factor as a Design Constraint
When you use Safety Factor as a design constraint, the following calculations apply.
Suppose you choose a range of Amin - Amax, or in the case of a single value, Amin=Amax. Inventor adjusts the result values to account for the safety factor:
- Bmax = maximum of Amax / Safety Factor or Amax * Safety Factor
- Bmin = minimum of Amin / Safety Factor or Amin * Safety Factor
Then, Inventor checks the appropriate constraint conditions:
- If you select Upper limit, Bmax < Limit satisfies the constraint
- If you select Lower limit, Bmin > Limit satisfies the constraint
- If you select Fit in range, Bmax < Upper Limit AND Bmin > Lower Limit satisfies the constraint
- If you select Avoid range, Bmin > Upper Limit OR Bmax < Lower Limit satisfies the constraint
For example, say that you select Fit in range 100 - 25000 with a Safety Factor = 10. The range against which Inventor checks is 1000 - 2500. That is, the lower limit is multiplied by the safety factor while the upper limit is divided by the safety factor.
The lower section of the Parametric Table displays the parameters that you nominated previously.
- In the Values cell for a given parameter, enter a range using one of following methods:
- For a range, separate the minimum and maximum values by a dash (2 - 4).
- For a range with a defined number of points in the range, add a colon and the number after the range (2 - 4 : 8). In this example, the points occur every .25 starting with 2 and ending with 4.
- For a range with incremental values, add a slash and the increment (2 - 4 / .25)
- For discreet values, separate each by a comma (2, 3, 3.5, 4).
Note: The values must be in ascending order.
- Press the Enter key when finished.
- Do the same for each parameter for which you want a range evaluated.
- To create the geometry, right-click the slider next to the values and select the appropriate option. In this example, you would likely use Generate Range Configurations. Now, moving the slider changes the sizes.