Pins are points added to electrical parts to indicate where to attach wires. If you are creating multiple pins, such as those required by ribbon cable connectors, you can define the pins as a group instead of defining them individually.
Use the Pin group command to establish the location, orientation, and names of a group of pins on Autodesk Inventor parts.
- With a part open or in-place activated, click
3D Model tab
Harness panel
Pin Group
- In the graphics window, select a start location for the pin group.
When a valid location is selected, it is highlighted.
- Enter the number of pins in each row.
- Enter the spacing between pins.
- Click Select if not already enabled, and then click a linear edge to indicate the direction to orient the pins. The edge should be parallel to the row direction.
- Use the arrow that is displayed as a guide to verify the direction. Click Flip to reverse the direction if needed.
- Enter the number of rows and the row spacing.
- Click Select if not already enabled, and then click a linear edge to indicate the direction to orient the row. The edge should be parallel to the pin direction.
- Use the arrow that is displayed as a guide to verify the direction. Click Flip to reverse the direction if needed.
- Indicate naming:
- Click Apply.
The pin name grouping is checked for uniqueness within the part. If the names are not unique, you are prompted to rename.
- Click OK to finish placing the pin group.