Generate Time Steps

Select time steps and prepare the associated data for FEA. You have the option of selecting a range of time steps or the time step you want.


On the time steps pane of the graph window , right-click Time steps, and then select Generate Series.

Number of Steps

Sets the number of time steps to add.

The default is 11.

Between Time Steps

Sets a range of time steps you want to select for export to FEA.

  • Start Time

Sets the first time step in the range.

The default is 0.000 s.

  • End Time

Sets the final time step in the range.

The default is 1.000 s.

Surrounding Selected Time

Specifies the number of time steps on each side of the selected time step. Indicate the time step in the middle of the group. For example, to get 3 time steps on each side of 1.2 seconds, specify the time as 1.2 sec and the number of time steps = 3. This results in 7 time steps, 3 on each side of 1.2 sec (3 + 1 + 3 = 7)

The default is 0.000 s and 0 time steps.

Note: For any text field in this dialog box, you can alternatively select and then select the time step from the times column.