File naming

The names and locations of Inventor Mold Design files are determined when they are created. If you modify them later, file dependencies are not maintained. The only exceptions are the file names of the top Mold Design assembly. You can rename these files without adversely affecting dependencies.

You can choose to allow the system to create the required files and locations without prompting, or you can enable the option Prompt for File Names. The default is to allow the system to set the file names and locations.

To enable Prompt for File Names, start a new mold assembly or open an existing mold assembly file. In the Mold Design browser, right-click the top node and select Prompt for File Names. The selection is persistent between sessions.

After you enable Prompt for File Names, the File Naming dialog box displays each time a new file is generated. You can accept the default names and locations, or specify unique names and locations. Options in the dialog box allow you to maintain the assembly path in child documents and rename model browser nodes to match file names.

File name abbreviations

Naming rules apply to all files that are created using the default naming scheme in the Mold Design application. To simplify file management, the following abbreviations are used.

MA Mold Design assembly - top-level assembly containing all standard and custom components.
LY Layout assembly - Contains design files for a single plastic part. Several layout assemblies can be located under the Mold Design top assembly. The layout assembly enables you to construct a family mold for multiple plastic parts.
PZ Part zone assembly - Contains design files for a cavity in a plastic part. Several duplicated part zone assemblies can be located under a layout assembly. The part zone assembly enables you to create the mold design for a plastic part with multiple cavities.
MP A moldable part that is derived from a BP (basic part) and is scaled with shrinkage value. The mold design is based on the MP, including the core and cavity design and the design of standard components.
WP Workpiece
CR Core
CV Cavity
IS Insert Sketch
IN Insert
CH Cooling Channel
RG Runner
MB Mold Base
SA Slider Assembly
LA Lifter Assembly
LS Lock Sets
AP Mold Base Cavity Plate
BP Mold Base Core Plate
EP Mold Base Ejector Plate
BCP Mold Base Bottom Clamping Plate
RSP Mold Base Runner Stripper Plate
TCP Mold Base Top Clamping Plate

Files created by Mold Design

Mold Design Top Assembly This file is defined in the Create Mold Design dialog and is called <Mold Design>.iam.
Layout Assembly <Mold Design>_<Plastic Part>_LY.iam
Part Zone Assembly <Mold Design>_<Plastic Part>_PZ.iam
Moldable Part <Mold Design>_<Plastic Part>_MP.ipt
Workpiece <Mold Design>_<Plastic Part>_WP.ipt
Core <Mold Design>_<Plastic Part>_CR.ipt
Cavity <Mold Design>_<Plastic Part>_CV.ipt
Insert Sketch <Mold Design>_<Plastic Part>_IS.ipt
Insert <Mold Design>_<Plastic Part>_IN<n>.ipt
Cooling Channel <Mold Design>_CH.ipt
Runner <Mold Design>_RG.ipt
Mold Base <Mold Design>_MB.iam
Slider Assembly <Mold Design>_<Plastic Part>_SA<n>.iam
Lifter Assembly <Mold Design>_<Plastic Part>_LA<n>.iam
Lock Sets <Mold Design>_LS<n>.iam

File name legend:

<Mold Design>

The Mold Design top assembly name that is defined in the Create Mold Design dialog box.

<Plastic Part>

The name of the related plastic part.

<n> <n1> <n2>

The index numbers that automatically increment to indicate a unique file name by default.

Files loaded from Content Center

Ejector <Plastic Part>_Ejector<n>.ipt
Core Pin <Plastic Part>_Core Pin<n>.ipt
Stop Pin <Ejector Pin Group name>_Ejector Pin<n1>_Stop Pin<n2>.ipt or <Plastic Part>_Core Pin<n1>_Stop Pin<n2>.ipt
Sprue Bushing File Name in Content Center
Locating Ring File Name in Content Center
Subcomponents for mold base File Name in Content Center
Subcomponents for slider assembly File Name in Content Center
Subassembly for lifter assembly File Name in Content Center
Subassembly for lock set assembly File Name in Content Center
Cooling Components File Name in Content Center

File name legend:

<Mold Design>

The Mold Design top assembly name that is defined in the Create Mold Design dialog.

<Plastic Part>

The name of the related plastic part.

<n> <n1> <n2>

The index numbers that automatically increment to indicate a unique file name by default.