Needs high pressure to fill (Medium Confidence of Fill)

About this result

The Confidence of Fill result indicates this area of the part can be difficult to fill with plastic. The pressure drop is too high at the point you selected, compared to the maximum injection pressure.

The pressure drop is the drop in pressure from the initial injection pressure to the pressure recorded at the moment the part was filled, for the entire model.

The lower the pressure drop values recorded, the more likely the part can fill completely.

What problems can high-pressure drop cause?

If the pressure drop is greater than 80% of the injection pressure, there can be filling problems. The part can short shot.

What to do next

When the pressure drop is high, there are some ways you can improve the moldability of the part:

Increase the maximum injection pressure for this part

The pressure drop is greater than 80% of the set maximum injection pressure. To improve the confidence of this part filling, increase the injection pressure slightly to compensate for the high-pressure drop through the cavity.

Alter part geometry

If the part consists of a complex and thin geometry, filling difficulties can occur. High injection pressure can be required to complete the filling. If you cannot alter injection pressure, you can change the part geometry.

Alter the processing conditions of the currently selected material

You can change the recommended processing conditions. To improve this Confidence of Fill result, increase the melt temperature of the current material.

Select a different material

A material with a higher melt flow rate requires less injection pressure to fill the part.

Move the polymer injection location

You can improve the likelihood of all sections of a part filling by moving the polymer injection locations closer to the problem area. Also, add more injection points to improve the likelihood that all sections of a part fill.