Assign virtual parts to components

You can assign virtual parts to various objects in a harness assembly using Assign virtual Parts on the Cable and Harness tab. You can use one of the virtual parts in the Cable and Harness Library, or you can create and use your own. The virtual parts in the Cable and Harness Library include:

You can also assign virtual parts to individual objects through an object's property dialog box.

What types of objects can be assigned a virtual part?

The following table shows which type of virtual parts you can assign to each object type:








Connector Pin










Wire Pin





Wire Work Point



Cable Wire




Cable Wire Pin





Cable Wire Work Point










Segment Work Point





Assign virtual parts to multiple or single objects

To create multiple occurrences of the same virtual part and assign them to different objects of the same type, you first select the objects in the graphics window, and then select the virtual part to use from the lists in the dialog box. This is especially useful when assigning looms and labels. Terminals, plugs, and seals are typically assigned to a single object.

Once you add the virtual part to the selected objects, you can then select another virtual part and assign it to the same set of selected objects.

  1. In an active harness assembly, click Cable and Harness tab Create panel Assign Virtual Parts .
  2. Click the Objects selector if not already active, and in the graphics window, click one or more objects of the same type to assign to a virtual part.
  3. Click the appropriate arrow to select a Type, Category, and Name for the virtual part from the list.
  4. Click Add to assign the virtual part to the selected objects. Once the virtual part is assigned, it is included in the list along with its Type, Category, and Name.
    Note: If you select multiple objects to assign a virtual part, an occurrence of the virtual part is created for each selected object.
  5. Once there is one or more virtual parts in the list, you can do several things:
    • To add other virtual parts to the same set of objects, repeat steps 3 and 4.
    • To add virtual parts to other harness objects, click Apply, and then repeat steps 2 through 4.
    • To remove a virtual part from the list, click the item in the list, and then click Delete.
  6. Click OK or Cancel.

Assign virtual parts to single objects only

You can also assign virtual parts to an individual object by using the various object properties dialog boxes. For example, to assign a label to a wire pin you would use the Virtual Parts tab on the Wire pin properties dialog box.

  1. In an active harness assembly, select a harness object from the browser or graphics window.
  2. Right-click and select Harness Properties from the context menu.
  3. In the property dialog box for that object, click the Virtual Parts tab.
  4. Click the appropriate arrow to select a Type, Category, and Name for the virtual part from the list.
  5. Click Add to assign the virtual part to the selected object. Once the virtual part is assigned, it is included in the list along with its Type, Category, and Name.
  6. To remove a virtual part from the list, click the item in the list, and then click Delete.
  7. Click OK or Cancel.
    Note: If a conductor in a cable is not used, you cannot assign a virtual part to it or its wire pin. You can assign a virtual part to a dangling wire or its wire pin.