Delete and Import style

Use the Delete command to delete a style. The style is deleted from the local template only, not the global template. Select Medium Copper Tubing_Copy(1), and then click Delete (as with Copy and Export, you can select multiple styles).

  1. Select Medium Copper Tubing_Copy(1), and then click to delete the style (as with Copy and Export, you can select multiple styles).
  2. Click Yes in the alert dialog box to confirm deleting the file.
  3. Click to import the style you deleted.
  4. Select Style_Copy.xml, and click Open. The Import Tube & Pipe Styles dialog box activates and previews how the imported style appears in the styles browser structure.
    Note: If any issues are noted, an Alert icon appears next to the affected style. You can right-click the style to access more options to resolve the issue.
  5. Click OK to import the style.
  6. An alert dialog box displays containing information about the import. Click OK.
  7. Click Close to close the Tube & Pipe Styles dialog box.

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