Combine Cores and Cavities

The Combine Cores and Cavities command creates, edits, or deletes a combined core or cavity.

Combine core and cavity by using symmetrical combine

  1. In the Mold Assembly tab, click Combine Cores and Cavities.
  2. In the Combine Cores/Cavities dialog box, select the Symmetrical Combine check box.
  3. In the graphics window, select the cores.
    Note: The Cores list is the active list by default. You can select only the cores.
  4. To add another combined core and cavity, select Click to Add. If necessary, click Delete to delete the row.
  5. Specify clearance values.
  6. Click the preview button to analyze and display a preview of the combine operation.
    Note: A simplified preview is presented without clicking the preview button. Full preview generation is slower.
  7. Click OK.

Combine core and cavity by using asymmetrical combine

  1. In the Mold Assembly tab, click Combine Cores and Cavities.
  2. In the Combine Cores/Cavities dialog box, clear the Symmetrical Combine check box.
  3. In the graphics window, select the cores.
    Note: The Cores list is the active list by default. Only the cores can be selected.
  4. In the Cavities list, which is the active list, select one row.
  5. In the graphics window, select the cavities.
  6. To add another combined core and cavity, select Click to Add. If necessary, press Delete to delete the row.
  7. Specify clearance values.
  8. Click the preview button to analyze and display a preview of the combine operation.
    Note: A simplified preview is presented without clicking the preview button. Full preview generation is slower.
  9. Click OK.

Define foolproof

  1. In the Mold Assembly tab, click Combine Cores and Cavities.
  2. Expand the Combine Cores/Cavities dialog box.
  3. To edit the chamfer or fillet, click Chamfer or Fillet.
  4. Select the checkbox or checkboxes that correspond with the corner value to modify, and then enter the value.
  5. Click OK.

Edit combined core and cavity

  1. In the Mold Design browser, right-click the Combined Cores/Cavities node, and then click Edit Feature.
  2. In the Combine Cores/Cavities dialog box, modify the parameters.
  3. Click OK.

Delete combined core and cavity