Before creating a master runs assembly, the top assembly must be a saved file in your project space. It is recommended that you regularly save the top assembly so tube and pipe edits can be safely stored.
Different tube and pipe environments provide a series of specific edit commands. For instance, with a run active, routes can be populated and deleted, while with either a run or a route active, library fittings can be placed onto the route segment from the Content Center using AutoDrop.
To activate the edit environment for appropriate tube and pipe documents such as master runs assembly, run, and route, do either of the following in the Model browser:
After completing the edits, you can leave the edit environment using any of the following ways depending on specific needs:
The last active document before entering into the current environment is activated.
The parent document of the current edit environment is activated.
The base environment is activated.
If Autodesk Inventor Tube & Pipe is not installed on the system, all tube and pipe data are visible through Autodesk Inventor but read-only. To edit the routing design and add new data, you must load the Tube & Pipe add-in. If you load the add-in in session, ensure that all documents are closed.
If your design does not involve the routing systems or tube and pipe data, it can remain read-only, and you can unload the Tube & Pipe add-in to save memory. You cannot directly unload an Autodesk Inventor add-in in session. The designated load behavior does not take effect until you restart Autodesk Inventor.
To load or unload Tube & Pipe in session and optionally startup behavior, use either of the following ways: