The Communication Center provides up-to-date product support information, software patches, subscription announcements, articles, and other product information through a connection to the Internet.
The Communication Center icon is located at the right end of the status bar. Whenever new information is available, the state of the Communication Center icon changes.
If you disabled the application status bar for your application and the Communications Center is active, a dialog box appears within your application. To view the Communications Center information, enable the status bar in your application, and then click the Communication Center icon.
Communication Center is an interactive feature that must be connected to the Internet to deliver content and information. Each time Communication Center is connected, it sends information to Autodesk so that appropriate information can be returned. All information is sent anonymously to maintain privacy.
The following information is sent to Autodesk:
Product Name is the name of the product you are using with Communication Center.
Product Release Number is the version of the product.
Product Language specifies the language version of the product.
Country is the country that was specified in the Communication Center settings.
Autodesk compiles statistics using the information sent from the Communication Center to monitor how it is being used and how it can be improved. Autodesk maintains the information provided by or collected from you in accordance with the published privacy policy from Autodesk, available at