Occurrence Properties

Harness objects have general properties that are stored in their source files. They have unique occurrence properties that are stored within the assembly in which they are placed. Harness component occurrences get their properties from the source component. For example, when an electrical (pinned) part is placed in the harness assembly, its properties come from the part definition. When specific properties are needed for an occurrence, you can override certain component-level property values with an occurrence property value.

In the property list on the Custom tab, properties added to an occurrence are represented with white backgrounds. Properties listed with a dark background indicate a source-level property. For example, on the Wire Properties dialog box, for an occurrence wire, the properties added at the library level are displayed with a dark background.

Note: Add occurrence properties to connectors only after they are in their proper assembly location. Occurrence properties are lost when connectors are promoted or demoted, and must be reassigned.
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