Create Harness Assemblies

Open your assembly and a harness assembly. The harness assembly holds the cable and wire harness data.

Create a harness assembly

  1. Open Enclosure_Assembly.iam from the Cable & Harness subfolder. It is the same assembly you used in the previous tutorial.
  2. On the ribbon, click Assemble tab Begin panel Cable and Harness .
  3. On the Create Harness dialog box, enter Harness Assembly1.iam for the name for the harness assembly, and accept the default location.
  4. Click OK.

    The system adds the harness assembly to the browser and activates the cable and harness environment.

  5. The Cable & Harness tab is displayed on the Ribbon. Pause the cursor over the commands in the Ribbon to view the tooltips.
  6. Locate the new harness assembly in the browser hierarchy.

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