Present results in the Output Grapher

When you open the Output Grapher, the browser already lists all of the results possible in the active mechanism. Click a result in the Output Grapher browser to show a curve that represents the various values of the result over the simulation . You can show as many curves as needed in the graph window at the same time. Careful selection of two or three curves can tell you a great deal about dependencies in your mechanism.

  1. Define a mechanism, including all joints and the external environment.
  2. Run the simulation.
  3. On the ribbon, click Dynamic Simulation tab Results panel Output Grapher .
  4. In the Output Grapher browser, click the result of interest.

    The plot of the selected result appears in the graph window.

  5. Click any other results of interest.

    These curves appear with the first curve in the graph window.

  6. Use Output Grapher context menu commands to point out and annotate any values or combination of values of special interest.
    • To point out values of special interest, right-click and select Add Line or Arrow. Right-click the line you placed and select Properties. You can change the color, thickness, linetype, and style of the selected line. In the Style field, select an arrow style.
    • To move the line, highlight it by clicking it, click e extremity, and hold the mouse button down to drag it to the appropriate location.

      Repeat with the other extremity.

    • To show how one value affects other values, move the mouse cursor to where you want a line through two or more curves and double-click. This line is a vertical line through various values at the same time in the simulation.
    • To add text to explain why a value or values are of interest, move the mouse cursor to where you want the text to appear, right-click in the graph window, and then select Add Text. Double-click in the text box that appears. Enter your note or comment in the Text Properties dialog box that appears. Click OK to close the dialog box.
  7. To save this image in a file, right-click in the graph window and select Copy.

    You can then paste the image in a document.

  8. Print the contents of the graph window.
    • On the Output Grapher toolbar, click the Print icon.
    • In the Printer Name box drop-down menu, select the printer where you want to send this curve if necessary.

      The name of your default printer automatically appears in this field. Below the printer name is a complete description of the printer.

      There is no need to enter or change any values in the Print range group because the default is correct.

    • Click OK to begin printing the curves in the graph window and to close this dialog box.