Defines options for saving an Autodesk Inventor AutoCAD drawing or sheet metal flat pattern to an AutoCAD or AutoCAD Mechanical file.
Autodesk Inventor files saved in Autodesk Inventor Drawing (*.dwg) format can be opened directly in AutoCAD where you can view, plot, and measure the Autodesk Inventor data. Autodesk Inventor drawing views remain linked to the parts and assemblies from which the views are created. However, this drawing data is not fully editable in AutoCAD. If you require a drawing that is 100% editable in AutoCAD, then export the file.
This dialog box starts the Save as DWG File Options wizard.
Access: |
Click |
Configuration |
Selects an existing configuration file to set the File Save Options. Click Browse to find and select an existing file. Note: If you select a configuration file, the options are preset in the rest of the wizard dialog box. You can click Finish to bypass them.
File Version (.dwg) |
Sets the version for exporting an Autodesk Inventor drawing to an AutoCAD Drawing (.dwg) file. Select the appropriate version. AutoCAD Mechanical 2007 AutoCAD 2007 Drawing AutoCAD 2004 Drawing AutoCAD 2000/LT2000 Drawing |
File Version (DXF) |
Sets the version for exporting an Autodesk Inventor drawing to an AutoCAD DXF file. Select the appropriate version. AutoCAD Mechanical 2007 AutoCAD 2007 DXF AutoCAD 2004 DXF AutoCAD 2000/LT2000 DXF AutoCAD R12/LT 2 DXF |
Post Process |
Pack and Go selects information needed to display the DWG file correctly. All external files are saved in one packed file. No directory structure is created in the packed file, except that fonts are in a separate folder. Customize DWG/DXF defines layer names when the file is exported in .dwg or .dxf format. Accept the default file or click Browse to locate the appropriate .xml file. Click Next to open the Export Destination dialog box. |