Deletions of Cables and Cable Wires

There are several ways you can remove cables from your design. You can:

Like wires, you can delete cables that are no longer used at any time. To delete a cable, use the same workflow used for deleting wires.

To remove a cable wire from a cable, edit the cable definition in the Cable and Harness Library and then delete the cable wire. Removing a cable wire from a cable definition does not remove the cable from the library. It does remove the wire from any occurrences of that cable in the harness.

Wires that make up a cable can also be disconnected. You can disconnect a wire to reterminate it to different pins, or to leave it as a spare. Disconnected wires are also removed from the graphics window. Each time a cable wire is disconnected, all properties on the cable wire are reset to the library-level property values.