Display results

While you run a simulation , the software writes the results to the Output Grapher. You can watch the values for a parameter of interest change in the graph window of the Output Grapher as you run a simulation. It is like watching the dynamic movement of the mechanism in the graphics window. In fact, you can watch both the graph window of the Output Grapher and the graphics window while you run a simulation.

  1. Define a mechanism, including all joints and the external environment.
  2. On the ribbon, click Dynamic Simulation tab Results panel Output Grapher .
  3. On the Output Grapher browser, click the result of interest.

    The plot of the selected result appears in the graph window, but it is a constant 0 if you have no values for the result.

    Note: After running a simulation, the results are shown in the Output Grapher. When you return to the construction environment, the Output Grapher browser background is grayed and the top-level node in the tree is marked with a red lightning bolt .This signifies that the simulation results in the Output Grapher are now considered stale or out of date. This is because changes may be made in the construction environment that are not reflected in the simulation results as seen in the Output Grapher. To delete the last simulation results, click Clear simulation .
  4. Run the simulation.

    As the simulation runs, the graph of the selected result appears and is synchronized with the motion you see in the graphics window.

Show Me how to view a simulation graph

Show Me how to select variables for display in the Output Grapher

Show Me how to navigate and modify the Output Grapher view