Check translated data for quality (Modeling Uncertainty)

  1. In the part browser, double-click the Construction folder to enter the construction environment. Alternatively, you can right-click the Construction folder and select Edit Construction.
  2. Select solids or surfaces for examination, using one of the following methods:
    • On the ribbon, click Construction tab Manage panel Quality Check . Select data in the graphics window.
      Note: "Data" refers to solids and surfaces.
    • Right-click the construction folder, and select Quality Check. All data in the construction folder is checked.
    • Right-click a group node in the browser, and select Quality Check. Only data in the group node is checked.
    • In the graphics window, click and drag a window to select solids or surfaces, and then right-click and select Quality Check. Selected solids or surfaces are checked.
  3. Select Examine to check the data.

Modeling Uncertainty

The data has an unspecified error. Modeling Uncertainty lists bodies or surfaces with errors, but the system cannot determine the exact error type. Using this data in a model may prevent proper updating.