Placement of Connectors

You place and constrain connectors in an assembly just as you place and constrain standard Autodesk Inventor parts. Once placed, with a harness assembly added, you set a specific reference designator for each occurrence of that part in the context of each harness assembly.

Connectors can be placed anywhere within the assembly structure. They can be placed outside of the harness assembly or demoted into the harness assembly, depending on how you prefer to document the harness assembly. Connectors that already reside within subassemblies can remain there.

If the connector is physically part of the harness, like a mating connector, consider adding it directly to the appropriate harness assembly. An object such as a terminal block that is not part of the harness, probably does not belong in the harness assembly. The process for adding wires is the same for both cases.

If reusing a top-level assembly that contains a harness assembly, we recommend that you demote the connectors into the harness assembly. From within Cable and Harness, use Save Copy As to copy the top-level assembly and its contents (the harness assembly, other subassemblies, and so on). Then you can reuse it in another assembly.

When placing and constraining mating connectors for a harness assembly, remember the following information: