Migrate R9 or earlier BOMs in tube and pipe drawings

For tube and pipe assemblies that are created from the current version of Autodesk Inventor Tube & Pipe, the new bill of materials (BOM) is used to create drawing views. By default, R9 or earlier tube and pipe assemblies use the R9 BOM so you can keep original drawings until you are ready to convert to the current BOM mechanism.

Unless you have already specified unique part numbers for conduit parts , it is recommended that you follow the Autodesk Inventor prompts to automatically clear the part number property for all conduit parts, and then manually specify the part number property appropriately if you need.

When converting your R9 BOM to the current BOM, keep in mind:

Convert a tube and pipe runs assembly from R9 BOM to the current BOM

  1. In a R9 or earlier tube and pipe assembly, activate the tube and pipe runs subassembly.
  2. Right-click Tube and Pipe Runs, and then select Tube & Pipe Settings.
  3. Optionally, verify that the Use R9 Bill of Material check box is selected in the Tube & Pipe Settings dialog box by default.
  4. Optionally, verify that all conduit parts have a unique or blank part number and have their raw material descriptions defined by the stock number property.
  5. In the Tube & Pipe Settings dialog box, clear the Use R9 Bill of Materials check box.
  6. In the Convert to BOM dialog box, determine whether to keep or clear the part number for all conduit parts.
    • To automatically clear the part number for all conduit parts, click Yes, and then click Continue in the Clear Part Number dialog box.
    • To use unique part numbers you specified manually, click No.
  7. Save the top-level assembly.
Note: You can edit the part number and stock number properties for specified parts after conversion. Keep in mind that you must convert parts lists in the associated drawing views manually to complete the conversion.

Edit the part number and stock number properties manually

To define specific Part Numbers for conduit parts before conversion, do either of the following:

Convert a parts list to the current BOM mechanism

When a new parts list is created after converting the tube and pipe assembly, it defaults to use the current BOM mechanism. To update drawing views in a R9 or earlier tube and pipe assembly to the current BOM mechanism, you must convert all existing parts lists in drawing views to the current BOM mechanism manually.

  1. Highlight the parts list in a drawing view.
  2. Right-click and select Convert to BOM.