Design Data folder

Administrators and CAD managers use the Design Data folder to manage content. Many design-specific files, such as styles, and thread. install in this folder.

The location of the Design Data folder is by default:

Users Public Public Documents Autodesk Inventor [version] Design Data.

You can relocate the Design Data folder to a network location. Then anyone can automatically get any file edits in this location. You can define different network locations on either a per-project basis, or application wide.

Note: The design data folder you point to requires a complete copy of all of the files in the original install location. Upon a change in the location, the program validates that all files are present in the folder.

The program allows an incomplete Design Data folder for legacy and Pack and Go projects. It locates the missing files in the default legacy install location.

Tip: Following a network deployment, alert the members of the design team that this data is shared on the network. Edits to local copies of the shared data affect the local behavior only if the local install points to the local copy of the data.