The iCopy command places copies of the iCopy template into the target assembly. The iCopy results are positioned and sized based on the selected geometry.
Assemble tab
Pattern panel
on the Ribbon.
- Select the iCopy template in the Select Source Assembly dialog box and click Open.
- In the Constrain iCopy dialog box:
To place one iCopy result in the target assembly, click the Single copy tab.
To place a pattern of iCopy results in the target assembly, click the Path pattern tab.
To place a pattern of iCopy results associated to a feature pattern in the target assembly, click the Feature pattern tab.
- For each geometry used to position the iCopy:
- Modify the parameters as necessary.
Path Pattern tab:
- Select the path for the work plane pattern. This pattern drives the placement of the iCopy results.
- Select the work plane to drive the placement of the iCopy results.
- Enter the number of results to create.
- Enter the distance between results.
- If necessary, click
(Flip) to change the direction of the pattern.
Feature Path Pattern tab:
- The Pattern Count is populated based on the Master pattern. You can change the count if necessary.
- If necessary, click
(Flip) to change the direction of the pattern.
- Click
to expand the dialog box and suppress occurrences that are not required.
- Click Next.
- If there are components in the iCopy template that can be reused, the Copy / Reuse iCopy Components dialog box displays. Click a status icon next to an individual component and cycle through status options.
Creates a copy of the component in the iCopy result. Each copied component is saved in a new file, which is not associative to the source file.
Creates an instance in the iCopy results. All iCopy results reference the same file.
Excludes the subassembly or part from the iCopy operation.
- If appropriate, cancel the selection in the Reuse Standard Content and Factory Parts check box to enable copying of library components and iParts.
- Click Next to continue to the iCopy: File Names dialog box or click Back to go back to the Constrain iCopy dialog box.
- In the iCopy: File Name dialog box, review the copied files and change as necessary:
- Click OK to create and place the iCopy result. Click Apply to place the iCopy result and return the Constrain iCopy dialog box. Click Back to return to the previous dialog box.