Set paths for libraries in projects

  1. Right-click Libraries and click one of the options on the menu:
    Add Path

    Enter a library name and its location. Click Save.

    Add Paths from File

    Browse to and select a project (.ipj) file. Click Open

    Paste Path

    Paste a copied path.

    Delete Section Paths

    Delete all paths in the Library section.

  2. Click Save.
  3. Note: When you create a project, you can add library search paths from other projects.

Add library search paths from other projects

  1. Verify that all Autodesk Inventor files are closed.
  2. Open the Project Editor, and then click New.
  3. On the first two pages of the Project wizard, specify the project type, the project name, and location of the workspace or workgroup. Click Next.
  4. On the Select Libraries page, use the Add and Remove arrows to create a list in the New Project pane.
  5. Click Finish.