Trace paths

After you load a mechanism and define all joints and environmental variables, you can create the absolute or relative kinematic values (trajectory, velocity, and acceleration) of a point placed anywhere on a component. You can show the trajectory path and velocity and/or acceleration vectors in the graphics window by activating the Output Grapher and setting up the traces you want displayed. Trace control and appearance are maintained inside the Output Grapher.

Tracing the trajectory of the point, saving the trace, and opening the trace in a 2D or 3D sketch window helps you determine necessary clearances for the components in contact with this component.

  1. In the Output Grapher toolbar, click Add Trace.
  2. In the Trace dialog box, click the Origin selection arrow .
  3. In the graphics window, select a geometric entity defining a point that you want to trace.
  4. If you want to use any reference other than the grounded coordinate system.
    • Click the arrow on the right side of the Reference box on the Trace dialog box.

      A menu opens that contains all of the coordinate system in the mechanism.

    • From the coordinate system menu, select the coordinate system you want as the reference for the selected point.
  5. Select the variable or vectors you want to show for the selected point in the graphics window.

    You can click e or more of the following:

    • Trajectory

      This option is selected by default.

    • Velocity
    • Acceleration
  6. If you click Trajectory and one or more of the vectors for viewing in the graphics window, click the color box to open the Microsoft Windows standard color box if you want to select a color for the variable or vector to the far left.
  7. If you click Velocity and Acceleration and you want to change the scale of a vector as it appears in the graphics window, enter the scale value in the Scale box.

    The default for scale is 0.01. Change the scale to vary the size of the vector so that the entire vector is visible in the graphics window.

  8. Select the variables to save in the Output Grapher .

    You can click e or more of the following:

    • Trajectory
    • Velocity
    • Acceleration

    Scale and Color are not available for variables saved in the Output Grapher.

  9. Click OK or Apply.

    Both save your selections, but OK also closes the dialog box.

  10. If you have not run the simulation do so. If you have already run the simulation, the cached simulation data shows the trace. If parameter values change, rerun the simulation to update the traces.

You can add additional traces without rerunning the simulation. Use the Trace command to assign additional points to output traces. The existing cached simulation computes and shows the trace. Because traces are output results, they are visible only when the simulation is running or was run and you have not returned to the simulation construction environment.

Show Me how to use Trace

Show Me how to display a trace in the Output Grapher

Show Me how to change the trace reference component