You can move one or more existing components, including component patterns, within an assembly or from one assembly to another assembly.
Restructure an assembly by dragging a component
You can drag a component within the assembly browser from one position to another.
- Select a component in the browser.
- Drag the component to its new position in the assembly hierarchy, and then release mouse button to drop it.
Note: Component patterns cannot be restructured by dragging.
Restructure an assembly using Promote and Demote
You can use context menu options to reposition a component, including component patterns, in the assembly hierarchy. Promote raises the component closer to the top-level assembly. Demote pushes the component farther from the top-level assembly.
- Select a component in the browser or the graphics window.
- Right-click and select Component to expand the submenu. Select one of the following to move the component to another subassembly:
- Click Demote to create a subassembly. Enter a file name for the new assembly, select a new template if desired, and then click OK.
- Click Promote to move the component to its grandparent assembly.
Note: Promote is not available if the selected component is a child of the top-level assembly.