Render Animation dialog box

Specifies general settings for rendering animations.

Attention: When rendering, productions have precedence over animations. To render an animation, and not a production, deactivate any active production. Right-click the production and select Activate to deactivate it.


Ribbon: Render tab Render panel Render Animation

When you select the Shaded or Illustration style, it is applied to the entire image or animation. Only one style can be applied at one time. Changes to the applied style must be done as a post process in an image editor.

General tab

Width and Height

Specifies the width and height for output of rendered animations. To choose from most recently used values, click the arrow on the input box and select from the menu. You can adjust any value in the input box.

Select Output Size Provides a list of values from which you can select for output size.

Lock aspect ratio

When selected, maintains the aspect ratio defined by the current animation width and height.


Specifies the camera for the active document.

Lighting Style

Provides a list of Lighting Styles from which to select. If no lighting styles are available, animations are rendered with the active lighting style.

If the current lighting style leverages image based lighting, then only lights contributing to the rendering will be the standard lights defined within that lighting style. Image based lighting will not be used in the render.

Scene style

Provides a list of Scene Styles from which you can select. If no scene styles are available, animations are rendered with the current Autodesk Inventor background.

The Current background setting uses the model environment settings for ground shadows and reflections.

Render Type

Provides two separate rendering output styles that are applied to the entire animation. The two styles can be blended only as a post process in an image editor.

Shaded Includes the option for True Reflection. Determines the options available on the Style tab.

Illustration Provides a set of options on the Style tab for Color and Edge selections. Determines the options available on the Style tab.

Output tab

Output file

File browse window Specifies the required output file for animation rendering. Click the icon to the right of the file browse window to start the Open dialog box where you can browse to and select a file in AVI or WMV format. If you do not specify a file, and try to render, the file selection dialog box is displayed.

Note: If you specify WMV as the output file type, use the Custome value for Network Bandwidth in the ASF Export Properties. Specify a minimum value of 700 for the output.

Time Range

Entire Animation Specifies the start and end times for the entire animation. To use the Measure command or choose from most recently used values, click the arrow on the input box and select from the menu. You can adjust any value in the input box.

Specified Time Range Specifies the start and end times for a segment of the animation. Start time must be less than or equal to end time. To choose from most recently used values, click the arrow on the input box and select from the menu. You can adjust any value in the input box. The specified time range is expressed by seconds as a default. However, the time range can be expressed in terms of frames by specifying the number followed by the letter “f”.

Reverse When selected, the animation records in reverse, from the end time to the start time. The time edit controls display the appropriate reversal.


Specifies no anti-aliasing.

Specifies low anti-aliasing.

Specifies high anti-aliasing.


Video Format Specifies the video format.

Image Sequence Format Specifies the image sequence format.

Preview: No Render

When selected, renders a preview animation using model scene elements such as lighting, shadows, and reflection.

Frame Rate

Specifies a value for frames per second. You select the value from the list.

Launch Player

When selected, starts the player for video format only.

Style tab - Shaded

True Reflection

When selected, reflects objects in the scene. When not selected, the image map specified in Appearances or Scene Styles is used and rendering takes less time.

Style tab - Illustration

Color Fill


  • No Color Removes all color and presents the rendering as lines only.

    Appearance Renders the image with the color of the material appearances that were assigned to the various components. It is the default.

    Specify When selected, displays a single color you select for all components in the assembly or part model. Overrides the default color.


Levels Represents color levels with a slider. The default is 2. Not available if no source is selected.

Show Shiny Highlights When selected, shows a highlight with a specular value of 50%. Not available if no color is selected


  • Show Outline Edges When selected, shows the outside edges of the component.

    Show Interior Edges When selected, shows the edges inside the outline of the component.

    Thickness Controls thickness with the slider or edit box. Range is 1.0 to 5.0 and the default is 1.0. Available only if Show Outline Edges or Show Interior Edges is selected.

    Color Specifies the color of both the outline and interior edges.

Rendering Tutorial