Replace family template file

You can customize .ipt template for a family, and replace the original template file in the Content Center library.

  1. Create a part member file, for instance by editing a template. Use the Open from Content Center command to open the template part file.
  2. Save the part file to a location outside the Library folder so the part file can be modified.
  3. Change the part as needed, and then, save the part.
  4. Open the Content Center Editor and locate the family whose template you want to replace. From the Library View list select the library where the edited family is saved.
    Tip: To identify the library where a family is saved, right-click the family and select Family Properties. The library name is available in the Family Properties dialog box, General tab, in the Library field.
  5. Right-click the family and choose Replace family template.
  6. In the Open dialog box, select the part file you modified, and click Open. The part file is checked to determine whether it meets the criteria to become a new part family template.
  7. The part family template is replaced.

If an error is found in part parameters or their mapping, the family template is not replaced. An error disables the library part for insertion in assemblies.

Criteria for part family templates:

Tip: When you use Update Tool to update families that are copies with a link to the parent family, templates from the new Autodesk Inventor library can replace user-defined family templates. To restore customized family templates, create a backup copy of customized templates using Update Tool. Do not select the Do not create backup of customized part templates option. Then manually replace the standard templates with your modified templates saved in the backup folder.