Set the balloon style

Use the Style and Standard Editor dialog box to edit a balloon style.

  1. Select Manage tab Styles and Standards panel Styles Editor to open the Style and Standard Editor dialog box.
  2. Expand the Balloon node in the browser, and select a balloon style to edit.
    Note: To create a balloon style, select an existing balloon style to use it as a template. Then click New, and set the properties in the New Local Style dialog box.
  3. In the Balloon Style window, in the Substyles box, set the referenced leader and text styles to use in balloons.
  4. In Balloon Formatting window, set the balloon shape, properties to display, and symbol size.
  5. Set default offset spacing, if desired.
  6. Add a comment, if appropriate.
  7. Click Save to save the edits.
  8. Click Done to close the Style and Standard Editor.
Tip: To set a balloon style as the default for balloons, assign the style to the Balloon Object Type in Object Defaults.