Mold Layout tab
- Make designs in the Mold Design top assembly.
- Complete the pattern setting, gate location, material setting, feeding system design, cooling channel design, and mold fill analysis for the current mold design.
Core/Cavity tab
- Provides a subenvironment for the Mold Design top-level environment.
- Make designs for the activated plastic part.
- Complete the parting design for the activated plastic part. Include patching surface design, runoff surface design, analysis, part fill analysis, core and cavity generation, insert design, and core pin design.
Note: The subenvironment is available when you activate the plastic part or click the Core/Cavity command on the Mold Layout tab.
Mold Assembly tab
- Make designs in the Mold Design top assembly.
- Add standard components for the mold design, such as a mold base, ejectors, slider assembly, and lifter assembly.
- Generate 2D drawings for selected components.