Temperature at flow front is Too High

About this result

The Quality Prediction result indicates that this area of the part can have quality problems. The temperature at the flow front at the point you selected is too high for the material you chose. There can also be other problems.

If a part has a yellow or red Quality Prediction result, find out why. If it is due to high temperature, try making some of the changes recommended here.

If the part is mostly green with some small yellow areas, it can be acceptable. However, carefully examine the other result displays to see exactly how and where the results went wrong.

What problems can high temperature cause?

In areas where the temperature at the flow front is too high, material degradation and surface defects can occur. Make sure that the temperature at the flow front is always within the recommended temperature range for the polymer you are using.

What to do next

Increase the injection time

Slows the flow of plastic into the cavity, which reduces the shear heating.

Increase the part thickness

A thicker part also reduces the shear heating.

Gate implications

If the temperature is too high, resize a gate/s to reduce high temperature caused by shear stress in the gate. To help, you can also increase injection time alone or with a larger gate. Apply caution, as part temperature can drop.

Note: You can control a feed system as a means of giving minimum viscosity, without degrading the material in the barrel.