Change Configuration of Bolted Connection

Next, we change the configuration of a bolted connection.

  1. Right-click Bolted Connection:1, and then select Edit using Design Accelerator.

    Before you continue, look at the relationship between the hardware stack in the dialog box and the direction of the connection in the graphics window.

    Notice that the direction indicator in the graphics window always corresponds to the insert direction of the screw.

    Though you can change the connection direction on the model, the general top-to-bottom stack order of the hardware in the dialog box remains the same. The screw is always the top-most item.

  2. Select the thumbnail for the nut, and then click Delete to remove the nut from the connection.
  3. Use the same method to delete the two washers.
  4. Select the thumbnail for the hole closest to the cap screw, and then click the menu button.
  5. Select ISO-Socket Head Cap Screw ISO 4762.
  6. Next, change the type of the screw. Select the thumbnail for the cap screw, and then select the menu button.
  7. Select Socket Head Bolts from the Category filter menu.
  8. Select ISO 4762.
  9. Drag the grip for the cap screw to shorten the length to 20 mm.
  10. Click OK.

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