Dimensions in Nailboards

Nailboard dimensions are like driven dimensions where the values update when the harness segments and wire lengths update, but they do not affect the harness geometry. Unlike standard Autodesk Inventor dimensions, the nailboard dimension values show an adjusted length. The adjusted length is the actual calculated wire and segment length that factors in such things as service loop, global slack, and embedded length.

You can place dimensions between two selected points on segments, wire or cable stubs, or splices. If necessary, the dimensions can span wires and segments. Dimensions can be moved and deleted in the nailboard sketch, but they cannot be edited.

Dimension Styles control the text style, format, and display properties of the dimensions. All nailboard dimensions are aligned and parallel to the selected geometry.

When you exit the nailboard sketch, the parentheses are removed from the dimension and automatically retrieved into the view.