Gate Location

Set gate locations

  1. In the Mold Layout or Core/Cavity tab, click Gate Location.
  2. In the Gate Locations dialog box, select the plastic part to receive the gate if the file contains multiple parts.
  3. In the Gate Locations dialog box, if required, click the Set tab.
  4. Click a face on the part to set a gate location.
  5. Click in the value column to adjust the U or V position.
  6. Optionally, select the X, Y, Z check box to select or edit the gate location with X, Y, Z values.
  7. Click OK. The gate locations are created at the specified coordinates and gate location nodes are added to the Mold Design browser.

Obtain suggested gate locations

Before running a Gate Location analysis that suggests the best location for gates, you must select a material for your part.

  1. In the Mold Layout or Core/Cavity tab, click Gate Location.
  2. In the Gate Locations dialog box, select the plastic part to receive the gate if the file contains multiple parts.
  3. In the Gate Locations dialog box, click the Suggest tab.
  4. Enter the number of gate locations that you want to use. You can enter a value from 1 through 10. If you are unsure how many gate locations to enter, use the default value of one.
  5. Click Start. The progress of the Gate Location analysis is displayed in the Gate Location dialog. You can stop the analysis by clicking Stop, but results are not produced. When the Gate Location analysis completes, the Summary dialog appears.
  6. View the analysis results in the Gate Location tab on the Summary dialog.
  7. Click OK. The gate locations are created at the suggested coordinates and gate location nodes are added to the Mold Design browser.

View the gate location results summary

The Summary dialog box contains the recommended gate locations.

After you run a gate location analysis and generate results, view the Summary dialog box:

  1. In the Mold Design browser, under Results, Gate Locations, double-click the Summary node.
  2. In the Summary dialog box, apply the suggested gate locations, even if you have previously applied different gate locations. You have the following options
    • To apply the suggested gate locations, click OK.
      Note: If you previously applied gate locations, a dialog box asking whether to replace them displays.
    • To cancel application of the suggested gate locations, click Cancel.
    Note: If you attempt to apply gate location results after you model gates, runners, or a sprue, an error message displays. However, you can still use the gate location analysis results to validate your choice of gate locations.

View gate location graphical results

The Gate Location graphical results illustrate the recommended locations of gates on your part.

  1. In the Mold Design browser, under Results, Gate Locations, double-click the Flow resistance indicator node.
  2. The Flow Resistance graphical result displays in the graphics window.
  3. Use the viewing tools to investigate the result detail.

Edit gate locations

  1. In the Mold Design browser, under Gate Locations, right-click a Gate Location node, and then click Edit Feature.
  2. In the Gate Location dialog box, click Location. In the graphics window select the desired point on the part. Alternatively, you can modify the coordinate values in the table on the Gate Location dialog box.
    Note: If Part Fill, Mold Fill, Part Shrinkage, or Mold Shrinkage analysis results exist, any gate location edits invalidate them and the results are marked as out of date.
  3. Click OK. After you edit a gate location, the associated element updates automatically.

Delete gate locations

Delete gate location results