Edit bend in sheet metal part

Bend Edit

    Autodesk Inventor can create multiple bends as part of a single flange or contour flange feature. Use the Bend Edit glyph to select a single bend to edit. The Bend Edit glyph is available during the creation or edit of features with single or multiple bends. The Bend Edit glyph is also available by selecting Edit Bends from the context menu of the Bend node of an existing Flange or Contour Flange feature.
    1. Decide which bend to edit. As your cursor moves over each Bend Edit glyph the glyph background highlights (the highlight color depends upon the active color scheme but is typically red).
    2. Click the Bend Edit glyph for your selected bend. The background color of the selected glyph changes to the selection color in the active color scheme and the Bend Edit dialog is displayed.
    3. Select the Type of Width Extents from the Type dropdown list.
    4. Modify the width extent parameters as required by the selected width type.
    5. Click OK to accept and apply all of the changes to the selected bend.
    Width Extent Types  

    Allows an edge that had previously been defined using: Width, Offset or From/To to be reset to the entire edge.

    • Optionally select: Centered or Offset radio control
    • Input width value in Width field
    • For Offset option, select face (vertex, work plane or work point) which defines offset and input offset value
    • Optionally flip the offset to the opposite side of the selection.
    • Select face (vertex, work plane or work point) and input offset value for Offset 1
    • Select face (vertex, work plane or work point) and input offset value for Offset 2
    • Select “from” face (vertex, work plane or work point)
    • Select “to” face (vertex, work plane or work point)
    Note: Bends previously edited display a Bend Edit glyph with a dark green background and an edit pencil over the bend icon. These bends can be edited as required.