Delete feature

  1. In the browser or graphics window, select the feature to delete.
  2. Right-click and select Delete.
  3. In the Delete Features dialog box, specify which dependent features, sketches, or work features to delete or retain:

    For consumed sketches, surface features, and work features of selected features:

    • To delete sketches and features consumed by the selected features automatically, click OK.
    • To retain the consumed sketches and features, clear the checkbox, and then click OK.

    For dependent sketches and features:

    • To delete sketches and features automatically that are dependent on the selected features, click OK.
    • To retain the sketches and features, clear the checkbox, and then click OK.

    For dependent work features:

    • To delete work features dependent on the selected feature automatically, click OK.
    • To retain the work features, clear the checkbox, and then click OK.

If retained, geometry that is dependent on the deleted feature is grounded.

You can move sketches to a new sketch plane and reuse them in a feature, or reposition retained features with constraints or dimensions.

Delete features below the End-of-Part marker

Right-click the End-of-Part marker, and select Delete all features below EOP.