View and Interpret Results

After the simulation finishes, the graphics window displays the first mode, and the Results browser folder populates with all the simulation results.

  1. Expand the Results folder.
  2. Expand the Modal Frequency folder to expose the list of available Mode Shapes corresponding to each calculated natural frequency. Double-click the frequency of choice to display it.

    The color bar shows relative displacement values. The units are not applicable since the mode shapes values are relative (They have no actual physical value at this point)

Now you can perform post-processing tasks using the Display panel commands. These commands are described in Help.

Animate the results

  1. In the browser, select a mode shape you want like to see animated.
  2. Click the Animate Results command on the Result panel.
  3. Specify 10 for the number of steps. Steps are analogous to images for playback.
  4. In the dialog box, click the Play command.
  5. When finished observing the displacement animation, click OK to exit the animation playback.

The Animate Results dialog box also has options for displaying the original wireframe with the plot. You can also record the animation to present or retain for records.

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