Add, remove, or redefine copied objects

When editing a part in an assembly, or when editing a part that contains construction geometry created by the Copy Object command, use the following commands to edit the copied geometry:

Right-click in the browser on the copied geometry to access the commands.

Add to Selection

  1. Right-click on a composite entry in the browser, and select Add to Selection from the context menu.
  2. Ctrl-click in the graphics window to add to the selection.
  3. Click OK.

The selected faces are added to the document


  1. Right-click a composite entry in the browser, and select Remove from the context menu.

    The surfaces in the composite are preselected, and the count is displayed in the dialog box.

  2. Ctrl-click in the graphics window to remove selected faces from the selection.
  3. Click OK.

The faces that were removed from the selection set are deleted from the document


Replaces a previously copied solid or surface with another solid or surface from the construction environment or from another part in an assembly. If the parent of the copied geometry changes, use Redefine to reselect the new model or surface and then replace the copied geometry in the edited part.

  1. While editing a part, right-click in the browser geometry created by the Copy Object command, and then select Redefine.
  2. In the Redefine dialog box, select Face or Body.
  3. In the graphics window, select the geometry to be used as the replacement.
  4. Click OK to replace the existing body.