Manipulate segments

As the harness design changes, you may need to modify the position and shape of the segment in the assembly. Changes in segment size may also require adjustments to its placement.

You can adjust the location of segment points and the offset value. The offset is set from the center of the segment, so it is not effected as the segment grows in size.

Redefine segment points

Redefining a point is like the process used to define the segment point initially.

  1. Double-click the harness assembly that contains the segment to change.
  2. In the browser or graphics window, select a harness segment point, right-click and then select Redefine Point from the context menu.
  3. Change the selected segment point:
    • To select a new point, click the desired feature or location for the new point.
    • To change the offset value, right-click again, select Edit Offset from the context menu, and then enter a new offset value.

    The point is redefined and the segment recomputes to the new position.

  4. Right-click, and then select Finish Edit from the context menu.
Note: If the segment point is selected from the browser, and there is a splice attached to it, the associated splice also updates.

Show Me how to redefine a segment point

Dynamically move segment points

To reposition segment points dynamically or by precise coordinates, use the 3D Move/Rotate command.

  1. Double-click the harness assembly that contains the segment to edit.
  2. In the graphics window, right-click the harness segment point to move, and then select 3D Move/Rotate.
    • To move multiple segment points in tandem, press the CTRL or SHIFT key and click each point. Right-click and select 3D Move/Rotate. If multiple points are selected for the move, they turn white until the operation is complete.
  3. Use the 3D Move/Rotate command to reposition the segment point.
    • Select a triad arrowhead to translate the point along the axis. Click in the graphics window and drag the point or enter distances in the dialog box.
    • Select a triad plane to translate the point within the plane. Click in the graphics window and drag the point or enter distances in the dialog box.
    • Select the triad sphere to translate the point in 3D space. Click in the graphics window and drag the point or enter distances in the dialog box.
    • Select a triad axis to rotate the triad. Click in the graphics window and drag or enter angles in the dialog box. After the triad has been rotated, translate the point as needed.


    Note: The initial offset value is ignored when using 3D Move/Rotate. The position of the segment is previewed and any bend radius violations noted before applying the move.
  4. Preview the move in the graphics window and do one of the following:
    • Click other points and reposition as needed. The preview updates to show the impact of each move.
    • Click OK to accept the move and exit the command. The harness updates.
    • Click Cancel to exit the command and clear all moves made since the command was invoked or since Apply was pressed, whichever occurred latest.
    • Click Apply to accept the move and remain in the command. You can continue to move the currently selected points or select other points to move. After you click Apply, the move is accepted and cannot be undone when you click Cancel.
Note: If the segment point is selected from the browser, and there is a splice attached to it, the associated splice also updates.

Show Me how to move a segment point

Add segment points

When you create a segment, use the minimum number of points to achieve the desired shape. To provide more control over segment shape in specific areas, you can add additional points.

  1. Double-click the harness assembly that contains the segment to edit.
  2. In the browser or graphics window, right-click a harness segment point, and then select Add Point from the context menu.
  3. Move the cursor over the segment path, and then click the path to add a point.

    A grounded work point is created at the pick location, and the segment recomputes, changing shape slightly after each point is added.

  4. Right-click, and then select Finish from the context menu.

Show Me how to add and delete points