Content Center Favorites is a place to store and access your frequently used categories, families, family members, and features.
To display Favorites in the Place from Content Center or Content Center Editor dialog box, click Favorites.
- To display the Favorites panel in the Assembly environment, click the arrow next to the heading of the Browser Bar, and choose Favorites.
- To delete an item from Favorites, right-click the item and select Delete.
- To display another Favorites group, click the arrow next to the name of the current Favorites group and select a group from the list.
- Use the Favorites panel to insert Content Center parts into assemblies without opening the Content Center dialog box. To display the Favorites panel in the assembly environment, click the arrow next to the browser bar heading, and select Favorites. Double-click a family or family member in the Favorites list to place in the assembly. Alternatively, drag the family member and drop it into the graphic window.
To add items to Favorites
Categories, Families, or Members can be added in Favorites.
To add a category to Favorites:
- On the Place from Content Center or Content Center Editor dialog box, find the category to insert in the Favorites list.
- Right-click the category and select Add to Favorites from the menu.
To add a family to Favorites:
- On the Place from Content Center or Content Center Editor dialog box, find the family to insert in the Favorites list.
- Right-click the family and select Add to Favorites from the menu.
To add a particular member (part) to Favorites:
- On the Place from Content Center, find the family to insert its member to Favorites.
- Unselect AutoDrop on the toolbar and double-click the family to display the Family dialog box.
- On the Select tab, select a family member and right-click.
- Click Add to Favorites from the menu.
- Click Cancel to close the Family dialog box.
- You can drag and drop families or categories to Favorites in the Place from Content Center or Content Center Editor dialog box.
- To add a family to a specific folder in Favorites, select the folder before you choose Add to Favorites.
To copy, move, or delete items in Favorites
To move an item:
- Right-click the item (folder, family, or member) in the Favorites list and choose Cut from the menu.
- Select the destination folder, right-click, and choose Paste from the menu. To paste the item at the first level of the Favorites structure, right-click at the blank space of the Favorites panel.
Tip: Use drag and drop functionality to move items in a Favorites group.
To copy an item:
- Right-click the item (folder, family, or member) in the Favorites list, and choose Copy from the menu. If needed, you can copy also between two Favorites groups.
- Select the destination folder, right-click, and choose Paste from the menu. To paste the item at the first level of the Favorites structure, right-click at the blank space of the Favorites panel.
To delete an item:
Remove Favorites items that are no longer needed. Right-click the item (folder, family, or member) in the Favorites list and select Delete from the menu.
To organize Favorites in groups and folders
You can create new Favorites groups. Create folders in a Favorites group, and insert parts, features, and part (feature) families into folders.
To create a Favorites Group
- Click the down-arrow next to the name of the current Favorites group and select Add New Favorites Group.
- On the New Favorites Group dialog box, enter the name of the new group and click OK.
Tip: To switch between Favorites groups, click the down-arrow next to the name of the current Favorites group, and select a group from the list.
To create a folder
- Right-click in the Favorites window or on a Favorites folder and select New Folder from the menu.
- Enter the name of the folder and click OK.
To place a Content Center member from the Favorites list
- Open an assembly.
- Display the Favorites panel in the Place from Content Center dialog box or in the Assembly environment.
Note: To display Favorites in the Place from Content Center or Content Center Editor dialog box, click Favorites on the toolbar. To display the Favorites panel in the Assembly environment, click the arrow next to the heading of the Browser Bar, and choose Favorites.
- Locate and double-click the family or member to place in the assembly.